UPDATED CRÈCHE POLICIES! – As of this week we will NO LONGER be taking…


– As of this week we will NO LONGER be taking bookings weeks in advance AND from now on if you have made a booking and can no longer make it YOU MUST contact us to cancel!
Earlier this week we were fully booked on an already busy day and had to turn parents away before the crèche had opened. However multiple children that had been booked didn’t show up. Meaning those few that were turned away would have had a spot if people had contacted us to cancel their booking. While it may not seem like a big deal to some, that was someone’s only chance to train and that isn’t fair.
We understand that things happen and you can easily forget when you have booked weeks ahead but a simple message or call is all that’s needed.
From now on if you want to book you need to do it week to week. You can ring up at the start of the week and book what days you will be using the crèche or you can try your luck on the morning your planning to come in. If you cannot make it, you MUST cancel your booking or you will jeopardise your chance to use the crèche completely as we will make a list of all no shows. ☺️

There is a limit of 12 children at any one time! This is for the safety of the children – 12 children is a lot to handle at one time! 😂 so it is in your best interest to book your spot if you know your heading to the gym. This is a wonderful service we offer to our members so please don’t take advantage of it. We have rules that need to be followed, so do the right thing and book in! You will be turned away if we are fully booked!

Thank you for your cooperation, we appreciate it! 🥰 Feel free tag friends and family to ensure that everyone is up to date.

Northy Gym Management.

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